New Delhi Public School
Location Greater Faridabad
Affliation Code: 532201 School Code: 42240


  • It is Mandatory for all Student to bring this dairy to school every day.
  • The School Uniform should be as per the Specifications mentioned in the should be immaculately neat
    and clean and should be worn on all working days and formal functions. Defaulters will be dealt with strictly.
  • It is Compulsary for all studetnts to attend the morning assembly.Students Should reach the School before
    the first bell at 7:35 AM Late Comers may not be allowed to attend school.
  • Students Should not scratch , spoil or damage the school property . Any accidental damage must be promptly
    reported to the concerned authorities.
  • Students Should not damage or remove things belonging to the other student .
  • Students should not brings cash,Jewellery or other valueables with them . The school will not be responsilble for any loss off the same.
  • Students are advised not to purchase eatable from unauthorised vendors/Hawkers near the school premises.
  • Students must keep their cycles locked in the space provided.The school will not be responsible for any loss or damage.
  • No money collection for any purpose is allowed in the school without prior permission of the Principal.
  • While changing class rooms or venue between periods,students must move in the line and maintain complete scilence .When using syaircases and corridors,all students must keep to the left and refrain from running in the corridors.
  • Irregular attendance,unjustified or unexplained absence from School ,habitual late comming and leaving classrooms without permission are termed as acts of indiscipline and may lead to strict disciplinary action.
  • Disciplinary action will be taken against students found using unfair means during test/Examinations.
  • Students who expect to reach home late after school due to personal reasons must inform their parents/guardian in advance .